A school full of joy

Our global mission partner providing education and a home for orphans in rural Uganda.

Wells of Joy School & Orphanage


Wells of Joy

School & Orphanage

At Wells of Joy, you will find 356 children from ages 4 to 14 . Some are orphans who live there permanently and others board there during the school year.

This school is located in one of the most remote areas of Uganda with the closest city being two hours away by car.

In Jesus' name

Their mission is to impact the lives of children so their gifts can flourish. They strive to equip students with the powerful tools of education to change the course of generations to come.

It's not just an education. It is the chance to change the course of their lives.

Our gifts must flourish.

Stories of Hope

Meet David! David attended our partner school Wells of Joy as a young boy. While in school, he lost his father to AIDS. God used this moment to plant a dream in his heart to become a medical doctor. David went on to complete secondary school and university at the top of his class. However, his place in medical school was given away to someone of influence. David completed a degree and now teaches in the sciences at a university.

In Uganda, there is one medical doctor per 1 million people, and many students complete their degree and move out of the country. David's dream is to go back to university, complete his degree, and come back to serve his community.

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